Raw Bowl- Bit of a BOARing Meal

October 1, 2021

photo of an NRC balanced raw meal for a 33lb male adult dog


馃 Guinea Fowl Egg
馃悥 Wild Boar Baby Back Ribs
馃悇 Beef Kidney
馃ォ Beef Round 
馃珋 Beef Heart
馃惍 Beef Liver
馃悜 Lamb Ear
馃悷 Atlantic Mackerel
馃Κ Oysters (steamed; fed 1st, not plated)
馃悮 Mussels (steamed; fed 1st, not plated)
馃ガ Spinach (pur茅ed)
馃巸 Fermented Pumpkin Seeds
馃敶 Raspberries
馃珢 Blueberries
馃悵 Bee Pollen
馃惥 Raw Goats Milk Paws
馃 Gut Feeling Probiotic Powder
馃拪 Kelp, Flaxseed Oil + Vitamin E

photo of fermented pumpkin seeds, raspberries & raw meat
photo of guinea fowl egg, bee pollen, wildly blended gut feeling
photo of sliced atlantic mackerel, frozen raw goat milk in dog paw mould, bee pollen, raw meat, wildly blended gut feeling probiotic powder
photo of raw feeding miami dehydrated lamb/sheep ear

馃嚙馃嚪 Ovo de galinha da guin茅, Costelinha de javali, Rim de Carne, Rodada de Carne, Cora莽茫o de Carne, Bife de f铆gado, Orelha de cordeiro, Cavala do Atl芒ntico, Ostras (cozidas no vapor), Mexilh玫es (cozidos no vapor), Espinafre (pur茅), Sementes, Fermentadas de ab贸bora, Framboesas, Amoras, P贸len de abelha, Leite de cabra cru, P贸 probi贸tico, Algas, 脫leo de linha莽a, Vitamina E

馃嚝馃嚪 艗uf de pintade, C么tes de sanglier Rognon de b艙uf, Ronde de b艙uf, C艙ur de b艙uf, Foie de b艙uf, Oreille d'agneau, Maquereau de l'Atlantique, Hu卯tres (脿 la vapeur), Moules (脿 la vapeur), 脡pinards (en pur茅e), Graines de citrouille ferment茅es, Framboises, Myrtilles, Pollen d'abeille, Lait de ch猫vre cru, Poudre probiotique, Varech, Huile de lin, Vitamine E

馃嚜馃嚫 Huevo de gallina de guinea, Costillitas de jabal铆, Ri帽贸n de res, Ronda de ternera, Coraz贸n de res, H铆gado de res, Oreja de cordero, Caballa del Atl谩ntico, Ostras (al vapor), Mejillones (al vapor), Espinaca (en pur茅), Semillas de calabaza fermentadas, Frambuesas, Ar谩ndanos, Polen de abeja, Leche cruda de cabra, Polvo probi贸tico, Algas, Aceite de linaza, Vitamina E


馃惄 Some additions included in the boys’ meals are not necessary to meet their nutritional requirements, but are beneficial to their overall health & are rotated into their weekly feeding schedule. 

⚠️ All raw/cooked meals are balanced following NRC guidelines & meet the boys’ specific dietary needs. Please consult your vet before switching your pup’s food and be sure to verify you are meeting all nutrient requirements for your furry friend.

Follow me on instagram @nolorlin to see more raw bowls like this one!


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