Firm Up Your Dog or Cat's Soft/Loose Stool- My Soupy Poopy Protocol

October 26, 2021

natural remedies, fixing runny, loose stool (soft poop, diarrhoea/diarrhea) in dogs, cats, puppies, kittens
If you've been following me for some time, then you are probably familiar with my soupy poopy stories! Nolo, my eldest dog, tends to get soft stool and diarrhoea any time he consumes too much fat. From his balanced raw meals to chews and treats, the slightest increase in fat can trigger the runs for Nolo, so I have had ample time to trial various natural "remedies" to help firm up his stool quickly. 

At the first sign of softer poops, I tend to reach for an open tub of probiotic powder and begin adding that to my dogs' meals. Probiotics introduce beneficial bacteria (strains commonly found in the gut of a canine- Lactobacillus casei, Bifidobacterium breve, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Enterococcus faecium, Bifidobacterium lactis), which can aid in maintaining balance in the gut's microbiome. Kefir and fermented vegetables can also provide probiotics, but I tend to avoid feeding fermented milks and cheeses when trying to get a handle on runny or soft stool. A bit of probiotic powder usually takes care of my dogs' soft stool right away, but when it doesn't, I bring in reinforcements!

Animal fur and feathers are my next line of defence against diarrhoea and runny stool. Increased fiber is great for bulking up stool; properly prepared vegetables and animal fur/feathers all provide additional dietary fiber in your dog's/cat's diet (best to stick to animal sources for cats since they are obligate carnivores). I tend to feed furry animal ears or parts that have little to no fat when trying to bulk up my dogs' stool and it is usually a success!

If I am having an exceptionally difficult time getting their stool to firm up, I then reach for my Slippery Elm Bark powder. Slippery Elm Bark (SEB) powder is great for tackling diarrhoea and constipation because it contains mucilage. Mucilage is a thick, viscous secretion that can trap and absorb water. When this happens, it creates a gel-like substance that coats the mucous membranes, providing short-term relief of inflammation and pain.
I dose 1/4 teaspoon of SEB powder, per 10lbs of dog or cat's body weight. So for my 30-33lb adult male, that's around 3/4 tsp of SEB! Fortunately, I have not had to reach for my SEB much because increased dietary fiber and probiotics tend to do the trick.

These methods tend to work for my dogs when the root cause of their diarrhoea or soft stool is a result of an increase in fat in their diet or when they try chewing on mulch or sticks that then introduce some not-so-great bacteria into their system. If I can correct their stool consistency within 24hrs, I am usually not worried, but in the event of prolonged diarrhoea, you should absolutely seek medical advice/care for your pet(s).

When my puppy, Bo, was experiencing diarrhoea and excessive mucus in his stool for more than 1-2 days, I immediately contacted my vet and they were able to confirm he had giardia. So it is always important to seek veterinary care to rule out parasites and protozoa (especially when dealing with puppies and kittens) being the root cause of loose stool, so that you are able to explore appropriate treatments/options!

As always, I hope this post was helpful!

Please consult physicians/veterinarians, and/or other trustworthy science-based sources for advice on human and animal dietary questions.

Follow me on instagram @nolorlin for more raw feeding content & recipes!


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