Do Eye Creams Actually Work? Everything You Need to Know Before Purchasing Another Eye Cream...

March 31, 2019

One question I often get asked is, "Does eye cream actually work?" To answer that question, I set aside some time to film a video completely dedicated to educating whoever may view it, on the topic of eye creams. 

In my video, I share my view on whether or not eye creams are necessary and if they realistically effect change to the skin around the eye area, how to correctly apply product to the eye area, and I also go over the different types of eye creams/eye serums on the market. I tried my best to address questions that I frequently get asked by clients, while also clearing up common misconceptions about skincare products marketed for around the eye area.


If there is anything I failed to mention in my video, be sure to let me know; I would be happy to further clarify or simply answer any questions you may have!


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