Raw Bowl- BARF Diet for a Picky Raw Fed Dog

June 14, 2023


🍳 Duck Egg
🐦 Pheasant Feet
🐄 Beef Chuck
🐮 Beef Liver
💚 Green Beef Tripe
🐷 Pork Kidney
🐠 Atlantic Mackerel
🌾 Asparagus (boiled)
🥛 Homemade Kefir Cheese
🌱 Hemp Hearts (fresh ground)
💊 Vitamin E, Zinc + Kelp

This plate is proof that if you put enough of your dog’s faves in 1 meal, he’ll gobble up the things he doesn’t like...

Nolo does not enjoy thawed pork kidney (I don’t blame him), he can also be selective with fish (but I have discovered why & remedied this), and we all know how he feels about vegetables.

With our stubbornness combined, I have found yet another way to do him a bamboozle - Nolo will eat every single item on his plate.

Let us know if you too are in need of some Jedi mind tricks to get your picky pets to shhnaap out of it!

🇧🇷 ovo de pato, pés de faisão, mandril de boi, fígado de boi, tripa de boi verde, rim de porco, cavala atlântica, aspargo (cozido), queijo kefir, semente de cânhamo, vitamina E, zinco + algas

🇫🇷 œuf de canard, pieds de faisan, paleron de bœuf, foie de bœuf, tripes de bœuf vertes, rognon de porc, maquereau atlantique, asperges (bouillies), fromage de kéfir, graines de chanvre, vitamine E, zinc + varech

🇪🇸 huevo de pato, patas de faisán, lomo de res, hígado de res, callos de res verde, riñón de cerdo, caballa del atlántico, espárragos (hervidos), queso kéfir, semillas de cáñamo, vitamina E, zinco + algas marinas


🐩 Some additions included in my dogs’ meals are not necessary to meet their nutritional requirements, but are beneficial to their overall health & are rotated into their weekly feeding schedule. 

⚠️ All raw/cooked meals are balanced following NRC guidelines & my dogs’ specific dietary needs. Please consult your vet before switching your pet’s food & be sure to verify you are meeting all nutrient requirements for your furry friend.


Follow me on instagram @nolorlin to see more balanced raw dog food meals like this one!


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