December 2021 Meal Prep

October 12, 2022


馃悇 Beef Kidney
馃惍 Beef Liver
馃ォ Lean Ground Beef
馃惁 Pheasant Feet
馃悜 Lamb Heart
馃悷 Sardines
馃 Zucchini (boiled)
馃拪 Supplements to be added w/ daily meals to balance to NRC recommended allowances

馃嚙馃嚪 A prepara莽茫o de 14 dias levou 30 minutos para ser conclu铆da. Custou $37,00, custo por dia $2,64. O item mais caro foi a carne mo铆da $12,48 e o menos caro foi o rim bovino $0,41.

馃嚝馃嚪 La pr茅paration de 14 jours m'a pris 30 minutes. Il en co没te 37,00$, co没t par jour 2,64$. L'article le plus cher 茅tait le b艙uf hach茅 12,48$ et le moins cher 茅tait le rognon de b艙uf 0,41$.

馃嚜馃嚫 La preparaci贸n de 14 d铆as me llev贸 30 minutos. Cuesta $37.00, costo por d铆a $2.64. El art铆culo m谩s caro fue la carne molida $12.48 y el menos costoso fue el ri帽贸n de res $0.41.


⏱ 14 day prep (900kcal) took around 30mins

馃挵 In total, it cost $37.00
Cost per day: $2.64

‼️ Price does not include tax or cost of supplements!

馃悇 Most Expensive item for the month: Ground Beef $12.48

馃惍 Least Expensive: Beef Kidney $0.41

⚖️ My dogs are fed based on kcal requirements & meeting NRC RAs, not based on total weight of meats. I do not follow a ratio diet.


Follow me on instagram @nolorlin to see more raw feeding content and recipes!


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