Raw Bowl- Overcoming Feeding "Gross Bits"

September 21, 2021

nrc balanced raw meal for adult dog; closeup photo of whole prey rabbit head


🐰 Rabbit Head
🐖 Pork Shoulder
🐷 Pork Fat
🐓 Chicken Breast
🐔 Chicken Gizzards
🐟 Sardine
🐄 Beef Liver
🐚 Mussels (steamed)
🥬 Brussels Sprouts (boiled)
⚫️ Blackberries
🍓 Strawberry
🐝 Bee Pollen
🦟 Bug Off- Flea & Tick Powder
💊 Zinc, Vitamin E + Kelp

photo of frozen black berries & sliced strawberry
photo of sardine, bee pollen, steamed mussels
photo of steamed brussels sprouts, bug off flea & tick powder
photo of rabbit head fur
photo of poddle looking at his raw bowl

When feeding an unfamiliar cut of meat/bone/organ for the first time, were there any you had a really difficult time handling?

If you watch my stories, you probably saw my meltdown when I had to handle raw rabbit heads for the first time…it was a HOT MESS 💀 But I’m proud to say I have come a long way 😂

Something that always helps me, is reminding myself that an animal gave their life in order to provide sustenance for us & our pets (us non-vegans/vegetarians). I am grateful to be able to source & feed “gross bits” that would otherwise be discarded! 


🇧🇷 Cabeça de coelho, Ombro De Porco, Gordura de porco, Peito de frango, Moela de frango, Sardinha, Bife de fígado, Mexilhões (cozidos no vapor), Couves de Bruxelas (cozidas), Framboesas, Amora silvestre, Pólen de abelha, Pó de pulgas e carrapatos, Zinco, vitamina E + Algas

🇫🇷 Tête de lapin, Épaule de porc, Graisse de porc, Poitrine de poulet, Gésiers de poulet, Sardine, Foie de bœuf, Moules (à la vapeur), Choux de Bruxelles (bouillis), Framboises, Mûres, Pollen d'abeille, Poudre contre les puces et les tiques, Zinc, Vitamine E + Varech

🇪🇸 Cabeza de conejo, Hombro de puerco, Grasa de cerdo, Pechuga de pollo, Mollejas de pollo, Sardina, Hígado de res, Mejillones (al vapor), Coles de Bruselas (hervidas), Frambuesas, Moras, Polen de abeja, Polvo para pulgas y garrapatas, Zinc, Vitamina E + Algas


🐩 Some additions included in the boys’ meals are not necessary to meet their nutritional requirements, but are beneficial to their overall health & are rotated into their weekly feeding schedule. 

⚠️ All raw/cooked meals are balanced following NRC guidelines & meet the boys’ specific dietary needs. Please consult your vet before switching your pup’s food and be sure to verify you are meeting all nutrient requirements for your furry friend.

Follow me on instagram @nolorlin to see more raw plates like this one!


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